Nursery 2023 - 2024

Mrs Rowling

Welcome to Nursery!

Class teacher – Mrs Rowling

Teaching assistants –  Mrs Doyle

Follow us on Twitter: @HmNursery

                      Instagram @hartfordmanor72


A big welcome to our new children this term!

Our Summer topics are:

Summer 1 topic – What happens in Spring?

Summer 2 topic – What is in the garden? 

During Summer term 1, We will be learning all about the changes the children will see in the outside environment as we move into Spring. The children will be observing the changes and learning new vocabulary to describe what they see. We will be looking closely at the life cycle of a caterpillar and this will support our core text 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. We will see first hand the changes to a caterpillar as we will be looking after some in class. In our maths we will continue to learn our numbers 1-5 and progress to 10, we will be subitising to 3 confidently and developing knowledge of 2 and 3D shapes.

In Summer 2 we will be expecting the children to come into class independently, put their own belongings away and collect them at the end of the day. We will be encouraging children to access the environment and resources independently. We will be looking at plants, fruit and vegeatbles and begin to understand the process of growing them. Our core text is 'Jasper's Beanstalk', the children will use lots of language to tell each other how to grow an actual bean. We will be encouraging the children to have a try at writing their name by hilding the pencil with a more comfortable grip. In our maths we will be reciting number to 10 and beyond and will have a more secure understanding of the composition of 5.

Children will develop a good understandingof Floppy's phonics phase 1, they will be confident at hearing initial sounds and blending cvc words orally.

The children will be asked to take home the Nursery class bear 'Bertie Bear', parents are encouraged to upload photographs of Berties visit to Tapestry, the childen will then be able to talk about their experience.


We use the Development Matters guidance document to plan our curriculum.  Please click here for Development Matters


In the Summer term our PE lesson will be on Wednesday morning.

Celebration Assembly

Celebration Assemblies will be on Friday at 9 am, every third week.  You will get a message from school if your child is receiving an award in assembly.  


Each week you will be able to see photographs of your child's learning on Tapestry

Home Learning

Each week I will be asking children to complete a short activity . I will also send a rhyme of the week that I would like you to share with your child. If there is a specific book that we are sharing in class I will send a link home to allow your child to become familiar with the story.

Important Dates

Tuesday 30th April 1.45pm - 2.45pm - Stay and Play

Thursday 23rd May 2.00pm - 3.00pm - Sports Day

Wednesday 12th June 1.45pm-2.45pm - Stay and Play



If you need to get in touch with us please phone or email the school office, speak to one of us when you collect your child, or send a message via Tapestry.










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