Year 1 2024 - 2025
Mrs Martin-Rhind
Mrs Currie
Mrs Pomroy
Spring Term 2025
Amazing Animals!
This term our learning will focus around the theme of 'AMAZING ANIMALS'
In Science we will begin by finding out about the human body and our five senses. We will then begin to explore the similarities and differences between us and other animal groups. We will be able to identify ourselves as mammals and know the main features of other animal groups including; birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians. In Geography, as the topic moves on we will be learning about hot and cold parts of the World and we will learn the names of the 7 continents. We will learn that different animals live in different parts of the World.
In English, we will be using the texts of 'Funnybones' by Allan Allberg and 'A dark dark tale' by Ruth Brown to explore poetry and repetition learning the refrains and writing our own 'dark dark ' tales. We will then be using the text 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. We will learn the story off by heart, explore the characters and sequence the events. Eventually we will plan and write our own versions of the story. We will also be exploring non-fiction animal texts and write our own non-chronological report on penguins.
In Art we will be exploring self portraits and learning to draw human bodies and animals. We will look at animals patterns and re-create these and explore the work of Henri Rosseau.
In RE we will be exploring the question 'How do people with different and similar worldviews believe the World was created and how should we look after it? ' We will also reflect on the meaning of 'Respect'
In Design Technology, we will be designing and making our own Spring pictures and Easter cards.
For more detailed information on the Year 1 curriculum, please see our overview.KS1 Curriculum Overview
Our priority for homework continues to be reading and supporting our phonics teaching. We ask you to ensure your child reads at least three times a week. Please can you record in your child's reading diary so we know they have read.
Each Friday, your child will bring home their phonics folder. Please share the most recent phonics learning with your child and re-read the words and sentences.
We encourage you to use the ‘1-minute maths’ app (White Rose Maths) which supports your child's fluency in counting, addition and subtraction facts.
PE Days
Tuesday and Thursday's.
Please come in PE kit on these days. Please ensure your child comes appropriately dressed for these lessons, particularly in the winter as outdoor sessions still take place. We request that no jewellery is worn in school and on PE days we ask that your child has any earrings covered or taken out.
Celebration assemblies
These will be on Fridays at 9am, every third week. You will get a message from school if your child is receiving an award in assembly.
Please follow our Instagram account: @hartfordmanor72
We will also message directly on Tapestry, sharing photos, reminders and important information.
We are very happy to receive messages and updates on Tapestry. You can share photos of your child's acheivements outside of school or special things they have done. However, if there is an urgent message please always use the school office as we may not check the account everyday.