Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Martin-Rhind

Miss Hadfield

Welcome to the Summer Term 2024

Sparrow Class - Miss Hadfield (Tuesday-Friday) and Mrs Heywood (Monday) 

Robin Class - Mrs Martin-Rhind (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Pomroy (Thursday-Friday)

Our topic for this term is 'Our World'.

This term, in science we will be learning about different plants and what they need to grow. We will also be looking at different habitats and the plants and animals that live there. In English, we will be reading the books 'The Last Wolf' and 'Greta and the Giants', as we learn how to help improve our environment.

After May half-term, we will be comparing the geographical similarities and differences of Hartford and Mauritius. We will be linking our geography work with the book 'Grandad's Island' in English.

In maths, the children will be learning about mass and capacity. We will also be learning about position and direction which links with our computing unit using Beebots. 

Please see our Curriculum Overview on the website for more detail on all subjects.  


Our priority for homework is reading in Year 2. We ask you to ensure your child reads at least three times a week. Your child will also be sent home with weekly spelling homework. This is due in every Friday.

Every child has access to a Numbots and Times Table Rockstars login which they can access from home. We also suggest using the ‘1-minute maths’ app (White Rose Maths). Both of these will help your child further develop their number fluency. The 'Maths Frame' website is also useful for exciting games to encourage practising addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

PE Days:

2RH - Monday and Tuesday

2HMR/SP - Tuesday and Thursday

Please come to school in PE kits on those days. Please ensure your child comes appropriately dressed for these lessons, particularly in the winter as outdoor sessions still take place. We request that no jewellery is worn in school and on PE days we ask that your child has any earrings covered or taken out.

Celebration assemblies will be on Fridays at 9am, every third week. You will get a message from school if your child is receiving an award in assembly.





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