Year 4 2023 - 2024

Mr Bedford

Mrs de Wolff

Mrs Meyer

Welcome to Year 4

The team - Mr Bedford, Mrs de Wolff and Mrs Meyer (teaching Mr Bedford's class on Mondays and Mrs de Wolff's class on Fridays).

Mr Bedford's class is known as Chaffinch and Mrs de Wolff's class is known as Goldfinch

Our summer term topic is:

What is great about Britain?

We will be learning about:

  • the differences between Great Britain, the UK and the British Isles 
  • how land is split into counties and how these came about
  • how to use Ordnance Survey maps and grid references
  • what land is used for in the UK
  • why and when the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain

Alongside our topic, we will be learning about:

Art & design: Bridges - drawing skills

Design & Technology: Shell structures - designing reinforced packaging for a purpose

Computing: repetition in shapes and repetition in games (programming units)

Science: Solids, liquids and gases, Animals including humans

PE: Cricket, orienteering and tennis

RE: - What is Humanism? How do Hindus worship?

PSHE: - Money matters & growing up

MFL -  Quel temps fait-il? Au salon de thé

Click here for the full Key Stage 2 Curriculum Overview 

P.E Days

Mrs de Wolff's class - Monday & Friday

Mr Bedford's class - Monday & Friday


Homework will be set on Mondays on Teams and should be handed in by Friday. It can be handed in over the course of the week. There is no need to wait until Friday. 

Celebration assemblies

These will be on Fridays at 9am, every third week. You will get a message from school if your child is receiving an award in assembly.

If you need to get in touch with a member of the Year 4 team, please phone or email the school office, speak to us on the playground at home time or write in your child's diary. 

To check out our social media Click here

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